The Offline Conditions DB framework

Art Work Detector Data baseLast Updated: May 14th, 2014 (R.Grosso)


Important links

ALICE Detector Calibration Requirement Tables and related documentation

ALICE Calibration and Alignment status table (MS PowerPoint slide)

ALICE Calibration and Alignment status Reports (MS Word document)



The Offline Conditions Database (OCDB) is the place where the calibration and alignment data is stored. It is not a "database" in the literal sense of the word (like Oracle, MySQL, etc): it is a set of entries in the AliEn file catalog that point to the physical entities (ROOT files stored in the various storage elements of the grid) containing the calibration and alignement data.

The organization of the database is handled by the CDB access framework, an AliRoot-based package.The OCDB was designed under the following principles:

  • The calibration and alignment database contains ROOT TObjects stored into ROOT files;
  • Calibration and alignment objects are RUN DEPENDENT objects;
  • The database is READ-ONLY (automatic versioning of the stored objects);
  • The objects in the OCDB are univocally identified by:
    • a ( logical ) path name (path of the file in the AliEn file catalog);
    • a validity expressed as a run range ;
    • a main (grid) version number;
    • a local subversion number, only for locally stored objects.

The local subversion was introduced to avoid version clashing during tranferral of OCDB object from Grid to local storages and vice versa. In local storage only the local version is increased, while in Grid storage only the Grid version is increased. When the object is transferred from local to Grid the Grid version is increased by one; when the object is transferred from Grid to Local the Grid version is kept fixed and the subVersion is reset to zero. The adopted versioning schema is shown in the following picture.


Versioning schema

CDB access framework

The schema of the AliROOT-based CDB access framework is shown in the next picture.


CDB Access framework


Storage types

Three different database structures are available:
  • a GRID folder in the file catalog containing logical file names, each one pointing to a Root file. Each calibration or alignment object is contained in a single ROOT file;
  • a LOCAL folder containing Root files, each one containing one single Root object, with a structure similar to the Grid one;
  • a local Root file ( DUMP ) containing one or more objects. The objects are stored into Root TDirectories defined by the object's name and run range.



Storage activation: AliCDBManager

AliCDBManager is the singleton class used for storage activation and conditions data retrieval and storage (see next sections). It allows the instantiation of more than one storage type at a time, keeping tracks of the list of active storages.
A pointer to the single instance of the AliCDBManager class is obtained with:
Activation of an OCDB storage is done by means of the public AliCDBManager method GetStorage(const char *uri) , which returns a pointer to an AliCDBStorage object. The U.R.I. string sintax depends on the type of storage that is being activated:


Grid storages

Grid storages are described by the class AliCDBGrid . The Grid storage URI is a string of question-mark-separated options defining the connection parameters. Each option is a " parameter=value" pair, where the parameters are:
  • grid (the grid host)
  • user (the user name)
  • folder (the path of the base folder)
  • se (the storage element to be used for data storage)
  • cacheFolder (the local folder used to cache the remote files: for the description of this functionality and of its further parameters see later)
The parameters are case insensitive. Example:
"alien:// /alice/data/CDB/MainCDB?se=ALICE::CERN::SE01"
In general, however, one desn't need to specify the full set of parameter since Grid connection is done through the API (see the Alice Analysis User Guide for details). If one doesn't specify one of the parameters then the default is taken, and the default is looked for in AliCDBGrid constructor or in the API environment variables. Thus a "typical" connection requires only to specify the base folder name:
" alien://folder="
where is created from the user's home directory if it is not a full path (i.e. if it does not start with a '/'). Example:
AliCDBStorage *gridStorage =


Local storages

Local storages are described by the class AliCDBLocal . The local storage URI has the form:
" local://"
where is created from the working directory if it is not a full path (i.e. if it does not start with a '/'). Examples:
AliCDBStorage* localStorage = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage("local://$ALICE_ROOT");
AliCDBStorage* localStorage = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage("local:///home/colla/CDB");

Dump storages

Dump storages are described by the class AliCDBDump . The dump storage URI has the form:
"dump ://(;ReadOnly)"
where is the ROOT file name. If it doesn not containa full path it is created in the working directory. If ReadOnly option is specified the ROOT file is read only (new objects cannot be stored). Example:
AliCDBStorage* dumpStorage = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage("dump://CDBfile.root");
AliCDBStorage* dumpStorage = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage("dump:///home/colla/CDBfile.root;ReadOnly");

Activation of Default, Specific, Drain storages

AliCDBManager's method  SetDefaultStorage("const char* uri") is used to activate the particular storage used by the manager's Get and Put functions (see later). Example:


A pointer to the default storage is returned by the function GetDefaultStorage() , and the default storage is unset by the function UnsetDefaultStorage() . To check activation of the default storage use Bool_t IsDefaultStorageSet() .

AliCDBManager::SetSpecificStorage(const char* calibPath, const char* uri) allows to activate one or more "calibration-specific" storages. Specific storages are useful in case a detector expert wants to test a particular set of conditions data, stored (say) on a local disk, while leaving the reconstruction algorithms use the main OCDB locations for all the other objects.

The implementation of SetSpecificStorage goes through the mapping of the detector name (or calibration type) string with the parameters ( AliCDBParam object) describing the storage. When a conditions object is stored/retrieved using AliCDBManager 's Put/Get functions, the object path name is parsed and if a match in the list of the specific storages is found, then the corresponding storage is returned and used. If not, then the default storage (which should be activated first) is used. For more details, see later.

Examples of specific storage activation:




AliCDBManager's SetDrain(const char* uri) activates the drain storage. When activated, the drain storage stores every object retrieved from the OCDB. The drain storage is unset by UnsetDrain() ; to check activation of the default storage use Bool_t IsDrainSet() .

AliCDBManager's Print(option_t *option) prints the URI's of the default storages and of the specific storages activated.


AliCDBEntry, AliCDBId, AliCDBMetaData

AliCDBEntry is the container class of a single OCDB object. The container is the key object in the ROOT file that constitutes the element of the OCDB.
AliCDBEntry contains:
  • The calibration/alignment object container class (anything inheriting from ROOT's TObject class);

  • The parameters that univoquely identify the conditions data, described by the class AliCDBId ;

  • The object's metadata , described by the class AliCDBMetaData .

AliCDBEntry 's public functions:
  • SetObject(TObject*) , TObject* GetObject() ;


  • SetId(const AliCDBId&) , AliCDBId& GetId( ) ;
  • SetMetaData(AliCDBMetaData*) , AliCDBMetaData* GetMetaData() ;
  • PrintId() , PrintMetaData() ;
  • SetOwner(Bool_t) , Bool_t IsOwner();


If AliCDBEntry is owner of the contained objects, they are deleted when AliCDBEntry is deleted. WARNING: Always check the ownership of the contained object before deleting AliCDBEntry !
The AliCDBId object has two functions:
  1. during storage it is used to specify the path and run range of the object;
  2. during retrieval it is used as a "query": it contains the path of the object, the required run and (if needed) the version and subversion to be retrieved (if version and/or subversion are not specified the highest ones are looked for).
AliCDBId contains:
  • an object describing the name (path) of the object (AliCDBPath ). The path name must have a fixed, three-level directory structure: " level1/level2/level3" ;
  • an object describing the run validity range of the object (AliCDBRunRange );
  • the version and subversion numbers (automatically set during storage).
AliCDBId 's public functions:
  • TString& GetPath(), SetPath(const char* path), Tstring& GetLevel(int lev): return the full object's path or one of its levels;
  • AliCDBRunRange& GetAliCDBRunRange() + run number setters/getters;
    • Note: "Infinity" in the OCDB is 999999999 and is returned by static function: AliCDBRunRange::Infinity() ;
  • version/subVersion getters/setters ( GetVersion( ) , etc.);
AliCDBMetaData contains a further set of parameters that describe the object but that are not used for object storage/retrieval:
  • The object class name (automatically set during storage);
  • The name of the person who created the object (related methods: SetResponsible(const char*) , GetResponsible() );
  • The LHC beam period (related methods: SetBeamPeriod(Int_t*) , GetBeamPeriod() );
  • The AliROOT version used to create the object (related methods: SetAliRootVersion(const char*) , GetAliRootVersion() );
  • Any comment (related methods: SetComment(const char*) , GetComment() );
More information can be set using method SetProperty(const char* propertyName, TObject* object) . The method adds an entry (propertyName, object) to a TMap . To get the "property" related to the string
use methodGetProperty(const char* propertyName) . To remove a property use RemoveProperty(const char* propertyName) . PrintMetaData() prints the object's metadata.


Access to the OCDB. AliCDBStorage's Put(), Get() and GetAll() functions

Creation and storage of a calibration object into the OCDB

Let's suppose our calibration parameter set is described by the class AliZDCCalibData object (container of arrays of pedestals constants), whose name is"ZDC/Calib/Pedestals" and is valid for runs 1 to 10. The recipe for building and storing the related AliCDBEntry is presented hereafter.

AliZDCCalibData *calibda = new AliZDCCalibData();
// ... filling calib data...

// creation of the AliCDBId object (identifier of the object)
AliCDBId id("ZDC/Calib/Pedestals",1,10);

// creation and filling of the AliCDBMetaData
AliCDBMetaData *md = new AliCDBMetaData();
md->SetResponsible("Alberto Colla");
md->SetProperty("date",new TobjString("Tuesday, September 19 th, 2006"));

// Activation of local storage
AliCDBStorage *sto = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage("local://$HOME/CDB");

// put object into database using AliCDBStorage::Put method
sto->Put(calibda, id, md);

In the example above the object is stored in the following local ROOT file:


If an object with the same path name and overlapping run range is stored again, it will be automatically set a higher subversion, e.g.:



and so on. If the object is stored into a Grid OCDB then only the grid version is taken into account and incremented (starting from 1), e.g.:



and so on.

Retrieval of an object from the OCDB

To retrieve an object from the OCDB one can use AliCDBStorage 's method:

AliCDBEntry* Get(const char* path, Int_t runNumber, Int_t version=-1, Int_t subVersion=-1)

If the version/subVersion are specified then the object with the requested version/subVersion is looked for (and if it is not found Get() returns a null pointer), if they are not specified then the object with the highest version/subVersion is retrieved. The Get method looks for the valid ROOT file in the OCDB, opens it and returns the pointer to the AliCDBEntry stored inside.

Here follow some examples on the usage of the Get() function.

// Activation of local storage

AliCDBStorage *sto = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage("local://$HOME/DBFolder"); 

// Get the AliCDBEntry which contains the object "ZDC/Calib/Pedestals",

// valid for run 5, highest version

AliCDBEntry* entry = sto->Get("ZDC/Calib/Pedestals",5);

// specifying the version: I want grid version 2

AliCDBEntry* entry = sto->Get("ZDC/Calib/Pedestals",5,2);

// specifying version and subversion: I want version 2 and subVersion 1

AliCDBEntry* entry = sto->Get("ZDC/Calib/Pedestals",5,2,1);

Retrieval of more objects with GetAll(const char* path, Int_t runNumber, Int_t version=-1, Int_t subVersion=-1)

GetAll() returns a TList containing all the retrieved AliCDBEntry 's. Example:

Tlist *list = sto->GetAll("ZDC/*",5);

AliCDBEntry *entry = dynamic_cast (list->At(0));

Selection criteria

Specific version and subVersions of the objects to be retrieved can be declared before actual queries to the CDB, by means of AliCDBStorage's functions AddSelection( ) . Each call to AddSelection fills a list which is parsed when a query to the OCDB is done without specifying the version numbers. Here follows an example of a typical use case.
// storage activation
AliCDBStorage *sto = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(...);
// I want version 2_1 for all "ZDC/Calib/*" objects for runs 1-100
// and I want version 1_0 for "ZDC/Calib/Pedestals" objects for runs 5-10
AliCDBEntry* entry = 0;
entry = sto->Get("ZDC/Calib/Pedestals", 5); // object with version 1_0 is retrieved
entry = sto->Get("ZDC/Calib/GainFactors", 5); // object with version 2_1 is retrieved
entry = sto->Get("ZDC/Calib/Pedestals", 25); // object with version 2_1 is retrieved
entry = sto->Get("ZDC/Calib/Pedestals", 200); // object with higest version is retrieved


AliCDBStorage 's selection criteria related functions:
  • RemoveSelection(...) : See AliCDBStorage's header for all possible overloads of this function;
  • RemoveAllSelections() ;
  • PrintSelectionList() .
Warning: When filling the selection criteria list be sure to put the more generic paths (i.e. those with a wildcard) before the most specific ones, otherwise the latter would be "hidden"!

Further AliCDBStorage functions: GetLatestVersion( ), GetLatestSubVersion( )

Two further AliCDBStorage functions:

  • Int_t GetLatestVersion(const char* path, Int_t run);
  • Int_t GetLatestSubVersion(const char* path, Int_t run, Int_t version=-1);

return the latest version/subVersion found in OCDB for object with path " path " and valid for run " run ". If no valid object is found the functions return -1. Example:


AliCDBStorage *sto = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(...);

Int_t version = sto-> GetLatestVersion("ITS/Calib/Data",5);

Int_t subVersion = sto-> GetLatestSubVersion("ITS/Calib/Data",5,version);

Storage and retrieval with AliCDBManager

AliCDBManager has Put , Get and GetAll methods for object storage and retrieval. AliCDBManager calls either his "default" and "specific" storages for the actual queries. Example:

// initialization
AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance();
man->SetSpecificStorage("*/Align/*", "alien://folder=/alien/data/align_OCDB");
man->SetSpecificStorage("ITS/*", "local://ITS_OCDB");

// object retrieval
AliCDBEntry *entry;
entry = man->Get("TPC/Calib/Data", 5); // Default storage is queried
entry = man->Get("TPC/Align/Data", 5); // specific storage "align_OCDB" is queried
entry = man->Get("ITS/Calib/Data", 5); // specific local storage "ITS_OCDB" is queried


Note: Selection criteria can be still be declared getting the pointer to the default or specific storages:



AliCDBManager's "centralized" run number

AliCDBManager 's function SetRun(Int_t) can be used to specify a unique run number in the manager. If the centralized number is set the run number may be not specified in AliCDBManager::Get() . If it is specified the centralized run number is not used for retrieval. Example:
// initialization, set centralized run number
AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance();

// object retrieval
AliCDBEntry *entry;
entry = man->Get("TPC/Calib/Data"); // Object valid for run 10 is retrieved


AliCDBManager's cache

AliCDBManager has the possibility to cache (i.e. keep in memory) the objects that are retrieved from OCDB, in order to avoid repeating queries to OCDB.
To use the cache:
  • Cache must be active.
    • Activate it with SetCacheFlag(Bool_t)
    • By default the cache is ON.
  • Set a centralized run number in the manager with SetRun(Int_t) .
When an object valid for the centralized run number is queried it is cached. If later the same query is repeated the object in the cache is returned. If the query does not conatin the centralized run number the caching is skipped and the query goes to the OCDB. Example:
// initialization, set centralized run number and activate cache
AliCDBManager *man = AliCDBManager::Instance();

// object retrieval
AliCDBEntry *entry;
entry = man->Get("TPC/Calib/Data"); // Object is cached
entry = man->Get("TPC/Calib/Data"); // Object returned from cache
entry = man->Get("TPC/Calib/Data", 20); // Object is queried from OCDB

Local caching of remote OCDB files

The CDB access framework can exploit the TFile local caching functionality of remote files.
To activate the local caching the user has to specify a cache folder name in the storage uri, using the option (case insensitive):
Besides the cache folder, one can also specify the further settings used by TFile::SetCacheFileDir(, Bool_t operateDisconnected) and TFile::ShrinkCacheFileDir(Long64_t shrinksize, Long_t cleanupinterval :
  • operateDisc= - default kTRUE
  • cacheSiz=  - default 1GB
  • cleanupInt= - default 0
If the local cache folder is specified, AliCDBGrid calls TFile with the option " CACHEREAD". The file is copied locally. If the same OCDB object is queried again, in the subsequent iteration TFile compares a few bytes of the local file with the remote files and if they are the same it opens the local file.


OCDB access in Simulation and Reconstruction

Helper methods to AliCDBManager 's SetDefaultStorage and SetSpecificStorage have been added to AliSimulation and AliReconstruction . In both classes AliCDBManager 's centralized run number is used. In AliSimulation it is read from the run loader, while in AliReconstruction it is read from the raw header.
The strategy for testing the Offline calibration framework started in 2005. The subdetector experts were asked to test the validity of their calibration algorithms and of the access to the OCDB. In other words, they were asked to "exercise " the system so that it could evolve.
The requested tasks were the following:
  • try out the CDB framework with "reasonable" data. That is: decide which are the quantities that compose the calibration information for each subdetector;
  • try to fill the framework with reasonable calibration data; store and retrieve them;
  • Simulate "uncalibrated" data, apply calibration and reconstruct them;
  • Simulate "decalibrated" data, retrieve and calibrate them and then reconstruct.


How to implement simulation/reconstruction code? A simple example

The introduction of a centralized run number and of the cache in AliCDBManager makes the access to the OCDB very easy and straightforward in the detector's code. The activation of the default storage is done before at the beginning of the simulation or reconstruction job. The detector expert should only worry to seta specific storage if he/she needs to test a particular subset of data that is somewhere else than in the default OCDB. This should be done using AliSimulation or AliReconstruction helper methods, e.g.:
AliReconstruction rec;  
rec.SetSpecificStorage("ITS/*", "local://localOCDB");  
As already mentioned, the run number is automatically set in the CDB manager before the start of the job. Remember that the OCDB is a run-dependent database: therefore the calibration data must be valid for ALL the events within the same run! The calibration object is retrieved from the OCDB only once per run (job) and cached. If a calibration parameter varies within a run then an appropriate object (histogram, function) describing its behaviour versus the event number / trigger timestamp must be used.
The usage of the CDB framework inside the detector code (digitization classes for decalibration" of simulated data, reconstruction classes for recalibration of decalibrated data) is thus reduced to a query to the OCDB with specification of the object's path only. Do not specify the run number or version in the code, otherwise you will surely get unexpected results or crashes. Here follows an example of how the code should be implemented for a simple detector (ZDC).

AliZDCCalibData* AliZDCReconstructor::GetCalibData() const  
    // Getting calibration object for ZDC set  
    AliCDBEntry *entry = AliCDBManager::Instance()->Get("ZDC/Calib/Data");  
    if(!entry) AliFatal("No calibration data from calibration database!")
    AliZDCCalibData *calibdata = (AliZDCCalibData*) entry-> GetObject();  
    if (!calibdata) AliFatal("Wrong calibration data from calibration database !");  
    return calibdata;  

In ZDC code GetCalibData() is called inside AliZDCReconstructor constructor and used in Reconstruct() function. The returned object (array of pedestals) is used to subtract the pedestals from the data (photomultiplier signals). In the simulation code ( AliZDCDigitizer ) the implementation of the decalibration algorithm is done in an analogous way. Of course, there the pedestals are added to the simulated digits :-).


Creating and using OCDB snapshots

A per-run CDB snapshot is a ROOT file containing the CDB objects which were retrieved for the given run at a given moment. The snapshot is created by a direct or indirect call to AliCDBManager::DumpToSnapshotFile. The CDB manager is instructed to read objects from the snapshot and not query them from the default storage by means of AliCDBManager::SetSnapshotMode. The priority flow for the manager getting CDB objects is shown in the figure below.

DumpToSnapshotFile can be interfaced from a simulation or a reconstruction job by setting the environment variable $OCDB_SNAPSHOT_CREATE to kTRUE and $OCDB_SNAPSHOT_FILENAME to the snapshot filename, if the default "OCDB.root" is not appropriate. If the environment variable is set, then the next simulation or reconstruction job will produce a snapshot. Subsequent jobs should run with the snapshot environment variables unset.

SetSnapshotMode can be interfaced from a simulation or a reconstruction job  via the SetCDBSnapshotMode method of AliSimulation and AliReconstruction.

Grid CDB tags: query the file catalog using tags

This section is related to Grid storages. When an object is put into a Grid storage its logical file in the AliEn catalog is TAGGED using its Id and MetaData. The metadata tables created for this purpose are:


Table name: CDB








Table name: CDB_MD

Example ofa query to the file catalog using tags (for more info see the ALICE Analysis User Guide ):
/alien > find Run%.root CDB:first_run<=5 and last_run>=5 and path_level_0="TPC" and CDB_MD:beam_period=2
During object retrieval the file catalog is indeed accessed using the tags extracted from the AliCDBId query.


AliCDBStorage's QueryCDB()

The function:
QueryCDB(Int_t run, const char* pathFilter="*", Int_t version=-1, AliCDBMetaData *mdFilter=0)
looks in the file catalog for all files valid for the input run, without any access to the physical files. The CDB tags mentioned in the previous section are used for the query, therefore it is important that the OCDB files are tagged!
The valid object Id's are kept in a list which is parsed when an object valid for the same run number (and matching the path filter, see later) is requested from the OCDB. The list is not parsed, instead, if the request is done for a different run number or if the requested object's path does not match with the query's path filter. The list is cleared each time QueryCDB is called with different parameters (run number, path filter, etc.).
Possible use cases are presented hereafter:

AliCDBStorage *sto = AliCDBManager::Instance()->GetStorage(...);
sto-> QueryCDB(5); // queries the OCDB file catalog for all files valid for run 5
sto-> QueryCDB(5,"ITS/*"); // look for files valid for run e and for path "ITS/*"
sto-> QueryCDB(5,"ITS/*", 1) ; // same as above, but look for files valid for version1 only
AliCDBMetaData md;
md.SetResponsible("Duck, Donald");
sto-> QueryCDB(5,"ITS/*", 1, &md); // use CDB_MD tags. Look for files created by Duck, Donald. 
Tlist* GetQueryCDBList() returns the list of valid file Id's. PrintQueryCDB() prints the list.
This new approach limits the access to the file catalog to only one query per simulation/reconstruction job, increasing the access performances. Thus it is advised to call QueryCDB in case of multiple requests to the Grid OCDB (e.g. in case of reconstruction jobs). AliCDBManager calls automatically this method for the default storage and for the specific storages, when the centralized run number is set.
AliCDBManager* man = AliCDBManager::Instance();
man->SetRun(5); // Default and specific storages are queried for files valid for run 5 now!

 Thanks to this implementation, in a simulation or reconstruction session the number of queries to the file catalogue is reduced to ONE only.



General guidelines for OCDB objects

Every object derived from a TObject can be stored in an AliCDBEntry and become an OCDB object. A part from this necessary requirement, a few guidelines should be followed as good practice in designing OCDB objects.

  1. Avoid pointless growing in the size of the objects; that would result in increased size occupied in memory and bigger OCDB folders. To this purpose:
    1. chose pointers to objects instead of objects as data members;
    2. use types adequate to the precision of the CDB information saved in the given data member: e.g. no need for Double_t if the precision is 1%, etc.;

Backward compatibility - Policy for OCDB objects and related classes

Changes in classes whose instances are stored in OCDB objects can introduce backward incompatibilities. This means that a given AliRoot version is not able to open the object extracted from the AliCDBEntry in a previously populated OCDB folder. Backward incompatibility is extremely harmful, since it limits the scope and validity of OCDB base folders to one or few AliRoot releases. For this reason the writing of code leading to backword incompatibility has been strongly discouraged up to v4-12-Release; starting with v4-13-Release a strict policy has been introduced to completely ban backward incompatibilities. The policy is summarised here below:

  • Backward-incompatible changes of classes which are stored in CDB objects are not allowed. This means in particular:
    • Removal of members is not allowed
    • Changing the type of members is not allowed
    • Addition of members is instead allowed. If the added member is meant to substitute an old one, for the addition to be backward-compatible there are two options:
      1. Comply to the following instructions concerning old and new data members in the new class:
        • keep the old member and add the new one as a different one (i.e. with a new name);
        • provide in the constructor of the new class a default value for the new member so that the new member is set also when reading old objects;
        • in new objects let the old member point to a null pointer;
        • let the getter return the member that is available (the old one if non-zero, the new one otherwise).

        The instructions above allow to read the old objects without increasing the size for new objects. Alternatively the new class can provide a convert function, which sets the new member based on the old member, if it is non-zero.

      2. Alternatively, write a custom streamer that is able to read the old and the new data. An example of how to write a similar streamer can be found in the root users guide (Input/Output chapter, section "Migrating to ROOT 3", page 183).
  • Removal of CDB objects from default OCDBs, in particular from the repository is not allowed
  • Addition of CDB objects to default OCDBs, in particular to the repository is allowed

In addition, it is important to motivate the need for modifying the OCDB objects both in comment lines inside the class itself and in the comment bound to the corresponding svn commit.
Let's furthermore emphasise that in case of a future replacement, the guidelines given above to keep small the size of the OCDB objects will become even more important.